The return to the classroom will be more digital

Summer courses arrive after some really special months in the world of training.

Educational institutions, Colleges, Universities and Business Schools, are experiencing their particular de-escalation in a sector that has been one of the most affected in its operations, mainly due to the limitations and restrictions on attendance that we have had in recent times.

There is no doubt that the image of 4 months ago, with classrooms full of students, with corridors full of students moving freely or with libraries with limited space, will still take some time to see repeated.

In my case, personally, this is how we have experienced it at the IEB, where the 750 students in the last academic year, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Specialist Course students, have completed their training receiving the last few months of extremely high-quality training through online channels. , there has been a great effort by teachers, students and the institution, but it has been possible to verify how much can be done by facilitating access to quality training through digital means.

Meanwhile, the forced and sudden move to online training since last March has led everyone, teachers, students, families and institutions, to adapt work processes and sessions to the digital environment, which some training institutions have taken advantage of to grow in this field.

We are facing a very special end of the course, and yet there are many who are taking the opportunity to give their training a boost after a really different last term. A final term that ends with some Summer Courses that can become the preseason of what could be the next academic year and the definitive return to the Classrooms.

Many experts affirm that a Summer Course can make the difference between one professional and another. It is quite common, among students and professionals, to find themselves in job interviews and job offers where general training is valued, but where specialized training is more decisive.

The current situation of the labor market undoubtedly prioritizes specialization. General studies give us access to the job market, but the jobs are usually for those who have also completed professional specialization studies, which is usually more typical of a Course and is precisely the approach under which the Courses summer are usually specially designed.

It is not easy to maintain balance, the demand of the market is high, and for this reason it is essential to alternate generic training during the academic year, such as a Bachelor’s, a Master’s or a more general Program, with these complementary Courses that can give us knowledge and above all skills and abilities to provide tangible value in the professional environment.

And it is that after a stage with great efforts in the education sector, with teachers, students and institutions making real efforts in many cases, the end of the course is here… and probably the beginning of a new stage where digital and methodology online are going to become something that will truly be understood as an option, rather than a solution to a problem, which is what it has been in recent months and how it has been understood many times in recent years.

In all this environment, of summer courses, online final exams and the start of vacations, people are already beginning to talk about the next Course, a course that will most likely start in September, taking into account online training as an option, at least partially. either to avoid displacement and access to the Classroom for 100% of face-to-face students at the same time, or even as the first choice for a new market, since taking advantage of this situation and the impulse of digital, many have now seen online training as a solution to their geographical, time and schedule limitations, especially in relation to Postgraduate courses, Courses and Training for companies.

There is no doubt that the technological progress that some training institutions have undergone in recent months has made us improve the quality of online training, a type of training that adapts to the current pace of life and that promises to become an option that , now yes, it will allow to reconcile personal and professional life, being a realistic alternative for that continuous training increasingly demanded in the professional world.

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