There is a trick that few know and that can greatly improve the efficiency of the battery of our mobile device
You probably think you know everything about your iPhone… down to the last command and function . You have been using an Apple terminal all your life and you have already invested a lot of time in it. However, chances are you don’t know everything. After all, having an iPhone does not mean knowing how to use it 100%.
If there are already many somewhat hidden features that it comes from the factory, to this we must add the updates to the operating system, which are constant and incorporate new functions or changes to existing ones. And of all these functions , there are some that are quite bland or unnecessary. However, many others can be of real use to us. For example, to save battery.

Battery life remains one of the biggest challenges for mobile phone manufacturers.
How to save battery on iPhone?
Battery life remains one of the biggest challenges for mobile phone manufacturers. When we have been with it for a while, the battery of any device ends up suffering. And staying is never a dish of good taste. Sometimes it’s just annoying… but there are others that can be a major problem . And for this reason, scratching off a few extra hours can be essential.
One of the classic battery-saving tricks is to turn it upside down . It may seem silly, but… Every time you receive a notification, your screen lights up? Well, if you put it upside down, the software automatically activates the saving function ” Facedown detection “ using the proximity and ambient light sensors (located above the top speaker of the phone) to detect said position. Thus, the screen does not turn on when notifications come in and autonomy is saved.
Another of the most repeated tips is also to activate the saving mode. It must be made clear, first of all, that it is not a panacea. But it can be decisive if we do it by taking other measures at the same time. For iPhone, this option is found under “ Settings ” and “ Battery ”. There you will find a section called “Low consumption mode”; which will temporarily reduce background activity such as downloads and checking email… until the phone can fully recharge.
But, what has been said… these two tricks have already been repeated a lot… almost as much as the classics ” look less at the mobile “, ” reduce the brightness of the screen” or “deactivate the GPS”. However, there is another trick that few know about that can greatly improve battery efficiency:

Some apps consume a lot of energy due to lack of optimization
A little known trick
Not all apps are the same… and not all use the same battery. There are some that due to lack of optimization, or due to their high complexity, consume a lot of energy. You may see applications running slower or starting to lag. Meanwhile, your phone can get hot and run out of battery at a dizzying rate .
To check which are these applications that consume the most, we can do it by going to “Settings” , “Battery” . And once we have a list of the most consumed apps , we should ask ourselves if we really need them or if there is an alternative. It is very common that Safari is at the top of the list of applications that consume the most .
And it is not that this application has too high requirements. What happens is that we usually leave countless windows open and forget to close them. And having a lot of tabs open can cause your RAM to crash and your device to slow down a lot… because each of these open windows consumes your system’s short-term data storage … and consequently, your battery too.

The Safari app is one of the ones that consumes the most battery, because it is one of the ones that occupies the most RAM
To fix it, we just have to change the settings on our iPhone so that Safari tabs close automatically. Open “Settings”, scroll down and tap on “Safari”, scroll down again and tap on “Close Tabs”. In the next menu you will be offered three options: have the tabs close after a day, have them close after a week or after a month. Of course, the best thing for the battery is to program it to turn off after a day.