How to promote your business on Facebook

Better to clarify some points: this guide explains how to advertise a company on Facebook starting from scratch, trying to create a useful base for those taking their first steps in the sector. From here you can work on a thousand more and more advanced shades.

The article you are reading is aimed at those who have a company and want to start finding customers on Facebook: useful contacts, buyers, people who might be interested in their business. Sometimes it is enough to set up a good presence on this social network to have good results.

Then, to get big numbers, the activity of a social media strategist can make a difference. In the meantime, we must start on the right foot: how to activate advertising on Facebook ? What are the essential steps of a good promotion for small and micro businesses? Here are the essential points.

Open a Facebook page: base di partenza

Do you have a company and want to promote on Facebook? Perfect, you need to set up a Fan Page. That is to say an essential step to bring a company, an association or any brand to Mark Zuckerberg’s social network.

Can I open a company Facebook profile? No, the rules are clear: it is an option aimed only at individuals, those who break the rule risk losing their jobs . So, if you want to promote your business, start from this link:

Now you have to make a series of decisions and follow the instructions of the established path. A few steps and you are online with your company Facebook Fan Page. The essential steps to follow to improve the work done?

  • Add as much information as possible.
  • Upload the logo as an avatar.
  • Add an eye-catching cover photo.
  • Use your company name, your brand.
  • Create a custom URL.

Start presenting your Facebook Fan Page at its best: focus on clarity of the content and create a good visual. To achieve this you can use Canva , an excellent tool that allows you to create a myriad of visual content. Get familiar with this reality, you will need it later.

Create an editorial content calendar

Do you know what is one of the fundamental problems of companies that open a Facebook page and start publishing? Simple, they believe they have discovered the ultimate solution to advertise for free .

They spend thousands of dollars on billboards or advertisements in local newspapers, but when it comes to the web, everything has to be free. But above all based on a self-referential logic.

The Worst Move: Using the Fan Page to push commercial content only. This means condemning your activity on this social network without mercy. To advertise a company on Facebook in an organic way (i.e. without advertising) you have to make sure that people are attracted, happy to return to your wall.

Follow the golden ratio of content

The balance is found thanks to a clear management of the editorial calendar. The fundamental rule: create value . To obtain this result it is useful to follow what is called the golden ratio of social networks:

  • 60% di content curation.
  • 30% own content.
  • 10% commercial content.

Percentages do not have to be followed to the letter. But the principle is crystal clear: the commercial aspect (buy, buy, buy) is minimal. Even the self-referential impulses are reduced compared, instead, to what comes from your content curation activity.

That is to say the curation of sources that allows you to identify, organize, enrich and publish something that is already present online . But that your fans still don’t know about. If you want to deepen the theme of the Golden Ratio you can take a look at the slides that you find below.

Attention to user content

One of the best strategies for a company that wants visibility on Facebook: take advantage of UGCs , that is, user generated content. I’m talking about text and images that come straight from the audience.

For example, you can invite people to post or send photos while using the product, or if they are in your store. To then republish the contents.

This is social proof, people who see these photos can touch the emotions of the public . So they are encouraged to participate, to follow the example of other people.

Users are always looking for mental shortcuts to make decisions and user generated content can help you. How does all this help promote a company on Facebook?

Encourage the use of reviews, they are a decisive step to make people understand that they are in the right place. In addition, the parameter is included both in the snippet of the Facebook page and in the Knowledge Graph tab .

The importance of visual in content marketing

When you decide to promote your company on Facebook, you must consider the creation of a good amount of visual content in your editorial plan . Because that’s what works, Mark Zuckerberg’s goal is to keep the audience on the platform: this happens thanks to images, photos and videos.

Percentage of videos on Facebook

It is no coincidence that all the statistics and research (here one by Buffer that makes the right synthesis) suggest investing in visual content marketing . That you can use in different ways.

Any concrete ideas to give people something more and forge a good editorial calendar even without a team of graphic designers and video makers?


I reiterate the importance of this tool to model an adequate visual. Thanks to the predefined templates you can create covers , posts and previews of events. Without forgetting the possibility of generating link previews to be saved in blog posts.


One of the favorite activities to follow with Canva: creating visual quotes, images with your own quotes or quotes from famous authors. In this way it is possible to work on sharing company values ​​and to register a following on your Facebook page.


You don’t have to be a video maker to get good jobs. For example, I often use Lumen5 to create clips starting from my own visual content or archive. Plus add soundtrack and writing so you have perfect content for your page.


One of the most interesting solutions: the possibility of building content by importing the text of an article. So you can use it to insert copy between various clips, images and videos. There is a free and a paid version, which is really complete.


A resource impossible to forget. Live shows help improve your brand’s visibility and engagement on Facebook. Manage a good editorial activity , organize direct by asking your fans to leave their questions and opinions on the issues to be addressed.

Facebook live broadcasts can be done from mobile or desktop, and you can improve them thanks to the use of professional microphones, wallpapers and webcams. Also after publication you can change the cover . In this way you have the possibility to better curate the presentation on the Fan Page of the video.

Start making ADV on Facebook

Advertising is an essential step to improve the promotion of a company on Facebook. And the business page on this social network has a big advantage – it allows you to create a campaign with a custom audience to reach the right people. And aim for concrete marketing goals.

Can you sell on Facebook? And find customers? Of course, it depends on the type of business and the advertising that is activated. Because Facebook allows you to activate different advertisements than what you need at a given time. In reality, to advertise a company on Facebook, I usually select three ADV macro-categories.

Increase Fans

At first, when the Facebook page is just born, it can be useful to improve the follower base a little . In these cases, doing a minimum of advertising aimed at acquiring fans can be a good solution.

Better, of course, than those absurd practices that force you to co-opt friends from the profile without any targeting. Of course, there’s no harm in inviting the right people to follow your business.

This is one of the useful solutions to increase the fans of your newborn page . It is the excesses that become a problem and targeted advertising can solve the problem.

Promote posts with good engagement

Another solution that does not directly concern sales or reservations, but allows you to work on indirect factors that still push your brand. For example : I published a visual quote or a link to my blog on Facebook, receiving many comments, likes and shares.

Organic visibility can have virtuous peaks if you can engage the audience and create virtuous conversations, but to keep the trend high you can push the post with a minimum of advertising .

In this case, a few euros are enough to increase the visibility of the publication and give more strength to the brand, the blog and the website. Working on informational contents , those that answer the questions of the public, is a good investment and the ADV can be a valid accomplice in inbound marketing.

Promote to sell

But also to get reservations, download lead generation content, get email contacts or requests for quotations. Anything that has a transactional intent – therefore with the idea of ​​making the user do something that concerns your business – can find great advantages in well-structured sponsorship.

Obviously, all this must be studied in order to maximize profits and invest in the best possible way. To work in this direction it is useful to add the tracking pixel.

That is to say a string of code that allows you to keep track of the audience to improve the targeting of sponsorships. Here is the best solution to create an increasingly effective advertising.

Get your team involved on Facebook

Do you know what is one of the most interesting strategies I have put into practice over time to advertise a company on Facebook with good success? Simple, embrace a corporate culture capable of taking advantage of the push that can come from the team.

Your employees are on Facebook too, right? Perfect, involve them in the work of social media marketing by encouraging the sharing of the content you have published, add tags to the names of those who wrote an article on the company blog.

Even in the comments this logic becomes winning: involve people who are experts in a certain sector and leave comments by signing, with name and surname.

Creating a social corporate culture means not holding back the sharing of the work done, on the contrary. Facebook can become a good way to convey your brand thanks to the help of the people who help you generate value every day.

Do you want to advertise a company on Facebook?

I believe that an SME must always start from a good foundation for advertising on the internet and exploit the tools of the web to obtain good results. You can entrust every aspect of the promotion to a digital agency , this is true, but before starting you must be aware of one point: you cannot back down.

Yes, before I leave you I want to focus on the last tip: even if you bypass the promotion on Facebook by entrusting it to a professional company, perhaps with social media strategists and community managers, remember that you must always be there . In providing content, ideas, answers, values ​​and much more. Sitting in an armchair and waiting for the results is never the right solution.

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