6 benefits of speaking multiple foreign languages

I’ve always liked foreign languages. I am definitely one of those people who love to challenge themselves and try to learn a few words or phrases in a foreign language when they travel. I am strongly convinced that being able to speak several foreign languages ​​has several advantages . But which ones? Why is it useful to speak more than one language? Isn’t English enough?

Thinking about this issue, I found myself listing in my head all the positive things involved in knowing more than one foreign language (not necessarily at C1 level). The list turned into this written post. If I have intrigued you, read the article to discover the 6 advantages that in my opinion people who speak more than one foreign language have!

The benefits of speaking multiple foreign languages.

6 good reasons to learn to speak more foreign languages

1. Allows you to work abroad

Knowing more than one language opens many doors to you. A great advantage is being able to find work abroad. Obviously having a good knowledge of the English language is already an excellent starting point (if not a prerequisite), but knowing how to speak the local language will also facilitate your social life. Knowing how to speak multiple languages ​​allows you to plan your life in a completely different way because it makes you more adaptable to a change than others. A person who does not speak a foreign language or only speaks one, is limited to certain states.

2. Communicating and relating becomes easier

Knowing multiple languages ​​greatly facilitates communication with others. English is often sufficient, but getting into a language already brings us one step closer to the person we are talking to. In fact, it is not only the exchange of words that counts, but also knowing how to relate to others, and doing it in the mother tongue is easier. For example: when I travel I always try to use a few words in the language spoken in the country where I am. Learning to say thank you or some basic phrase shows interest and makes our interlocutor happy, making communication more pleasant.

3. Opens the mind

Not only is it easier to communicate with others, but it allows you to understand them. As previously written, speaking is not just an exchange of words, it is an exchange of ideas, requests, stories. A language says a lot about a culture and knowing how to speak the language helps to look beyond prejudice. Maybe in one language a way of speaking is considered normal, while in ours it would sound rude. Knowing other languages ​​makes us more open to other customs, idioms, formalities etc. Whether it’s knowing what suffix is ​​used at the end of an older person’s name, whether or not using the courtesy form is important, if I can call someone by name… What better way to open our minds to other cultures?

The benefits of speaking multiple foreign languages.

4. Enriches

It is not just a question of culture, but speaking more foreign languages ​​has quite practical advantages. For example, it allows you to watch movies or read books in the original language, which is a big difference. I really enjoy watching the same film in different languages ​​and trying to find the differences in the expressions or irony used in the film. It’s fun to find out what has been chosen to change and what hasn’t. If you know the language, you often know that the change was necessary because the same expression doesn’t exist in another language. Who doesn’t know Yoda’s way of speaking in the Star Wars movies? The beauty is that according to the language it is obviously changed and is characterized in different ways, depending on the particularities of a language.

But the same happens in reverse, when you are talking to a foreigner. If this person understands a minimum of Italian, he could understand the absurd way of combining the verbs they have in Fantozzi’s films and find it funny. This person, in addition to having fun, would have the opportunity to better understand a bit of Italian culture and I humor than him. I have a friend who is so passionate about anime, she watches them in Japanese. She says it is quite another thing to hear the original sound of the voice of her favorite characters of hers, and not those of the Italian voice actor. She also learned some Japanese in doing so. Combining our passions with a language undoubtedly enriches us. he would have the opportunity to better understand some of the Italian culture and I his humor. I have a friend who is so passionate about anime, she watches them in Japanese.

She says it is quite another thing to hear the original sound of the voice of her favorite characters of hers, and not those of the Italian voice actor. She also learned some Japanese in doing so. Combining our passions with a language undoubtedly enriches us. he would have the opportunity to better understand some of the Italian culture and I his humor. I have a friend who is so passionate about anime, she watches them in Japanese. She says it is quite another thing to hear the original sound of the voice of her favorite characters of hers, and not those of the Italian voice actor. She also learned some Japanese in doing so. Combining our passions with a language undoubtedly enriches us.

5. Traveling becomes easier

If you like to travel, know more than one language, or have a basic minimum, it will help you a lot. Thinking that English is enough is not always correct. The person in front of you does not always know how to speak English … In my case, French is useful for me in several countries, German is similar to Dutch, which is also useful in South Africa, since Afrikaans is a mixture of these languages. The similarity of Italian to Spanish opens many doors. Not only does it become easier to communicate with locals or understand signs on site, but it simplifies dialogue with other travelers. In fact, German is needed all over the world, since Germans travel a lot and are everywhere. When traveling, understanding what others are saying gives you an edge.

6. Makes learning other languages ​​easier

Last, but not least, this is a great advantage of polyglots. Knowing more than one foreign language, perhaps of different linguistic strains, makes it easier and faster to learn similar languages. Knowing the structure of multiple languages ​​is an advantage, as our mind gets used to multiple methods of formulating a sentence. You have more chances of recognizing a word if you already know several versions of it.

Can you speak more than one language? And if so, what benefits has it brought you? Tell me in the comment below!

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