Business ideas for female entrepreneur

The business world is full of women who have made their passion into a job and growth opportunity , including managerial ones.

If on the one hand the prevalent sectors of female entrepreneurship are linked to assistance to families and individuals , as confirmed by the Unioncamere report published in January 2020, on the other hand the projects of female entrepreneurs range from the world of tourism to that of technology, especially with regard to new businesses and startups.

According to the three managers, the main characteristics that make women entrepreneurs irreplaceable are: tenacity, empathy, decision and analytical skills . These are fundamental elements when you choose to climb the top of an international company or to create your own female business project , from the simplest to the most complex.

Obviously, a central role must also be played by training , which must be constantly cultivated , enriching one’s business with new proposals and services, in order to better respond to the latest market demands.

Let’s try to see together a little more in detail some ideas for female entrepreneurship that can inspire us for a successful business.

Women’s business between numbers and training opportunities

women entrepreneurs projects in Italy

According to Unioncamere data, the companies led by women in Italy are 1 million 330 thousand and 257 , distributed from North to South. The main sectors in which they are divided are:

  • Retail trade (with 355,493 companies);
  • agriculture and related activities (211,353);
  • tourism  (134,626).

But there is no lack of innovative projects of female entrepreneurship , linked above all to the development of new technologies and their application in the family and in everyday life .

As mentioned above, training plays a fundamental role in the definition and implementation of an activity . Anyone wishing to embark on an entrepreneurial career must be updated on their reference sector, know the market and the most current requests in detail and never miss the opportunity to learn new skills, especially in the technological field .

We have already talked about the opportunities for companies and employees in our post Funded training for the growth of companies and workers, but there is also the possibility of attending courses organized by the various trade associations, such as Confcommercio, Confindustria and Confartigianato.

There are also alternatives to invest in oneself through female leadership courses or specific masters for business management , provided by various institutions, public and private, such as:

  • CUOA – Business School
  • ASFOR – Italian Association for Management Training
  • 24 ore Business School
  • RCSAcademy
  • SDA Bocconi
  • BBS – Bologna Business School

To facilitate entrepreneurs and managers, many paths can also be attended remotely , by connecting to specific online platforms and thus following the remote course with great flexibility of schedules .

Projects for women entrepreneurs

projects for women entrepreneurs

Opening your own business and leading a successful business represent a major challenge , so you need to be equipped with a good dose of patience, passion and determination . The first thing to do is undoubtedly acquire the necessary experience in the reference sector , developing your own idea of ​​women’s business thanks to the right skills in the field.

Opening a clothing store, starting a business in the digital world, taking over the reins of your family business , or taking care of others , especially children, are just some of the possibilities that women have today. But there are others in different sectors, still considered male strongholds today, such as real estate , agriculture and construction .

Women entrepreneurs in real estate

women entrepreneurs in the real estate sector

Real Estate is a sector in which women are starting to have more and more importance, both as sellers and as managers and agency owners. A female icon of the industry is undoubtedly Dorothy Herman , who has created a real empire that, according to Forbes magazine, exceeds 260 million dollars.

Her career began shortly after graduation, when she was a very young single mother: step by step she arrived at the acquisition of the department entrusted to her, which over the years has grown to include 80 branches in the USA.

Female salespeople are highly regarded in the real estate world , because they use techniques such as empathy to understand customers and, on a practical level, sell properties at higher prices than their peers. According to the portal, in one year US real estate agents have sold up to 40 thousand dollars more than their male colleagues.

If you are interested in opening your own real estate agency, the initial investment fluctuates between 25 thousand and 30 thousand euros and it is necessary to follow a qualification course at your own Chamber of Commerce of reference.

Women entrepreneurs in agriculture

women entrepreneurs in agriculture

Sustainability, quality and innovation : these are the core values ​​of female agricultural entrepreneurs , a flagship of the primary sector. To help present and future female entrepreneurs, the Coldiretti association has created a self-managed category movement, aimed at informing women, organizing refresher courses and supporting them in the opening of particular structures, such as educational, social and agriasili farms .

To give life to your business idea as an agricultural entrepreneur, it is necessary to have an adequate qualification (diploma from the Agricultural Technical Institute or a degree in Agricultural Sciences, Forestry, Food Technology, Animal Production, Veterinary). Also in this case the future manager will have to attend professional training courses organized at regional level . The traditional VAT number is replaced by the specific one for the sector, which can be opened by an individual or by a company, provided that one of the partners has the qualification of professional agricultural entrepreneur.

Furthermore , it is also possible to add technological solutions to cultivations with traditional techniques : an example is that of Sofia Michieli , who in 2018 created a high-tech greenhouse in the province of Rovigo . Her company deals with producing sustainable strawberries and has had great resonance in the midst of the Covid-19 emergency, because she has given work to many people who have found themselves in difficulty. The greenhouse allowed her to win the Smau award for innovation in 2019.

Women entrepreneurs in construction

women entrepreneurs in construction

According to the Unioncamere report, there were 53,353 female businesses returning to the construction industry as of 30 September 2019.

Also to enter the world of construction it is necessary to have suitable training (by attending a Technical Institute for Surveyors, or courses for supervisors and managers at construction schools and university faculties, such as Building Engineering).

A fun idea for sparkling entrepreneurs: wedding planning

wedding planner

Organizing weddings is often a source of stress for the spouses, which is why the figure of the wedding planner was born : curious, empathic, analytical, organized and ready for anything, this figure is essential for couples who are unable to devote all the time to preparations. necessary .

To start this business you need to know everything about weddings, for example by attending some wedding planning courses . Once you have acquired the necessary knowledge you will have to focus on marketing and self -promotion , giving a reliable, precise and creative self-image.

Obviously, an essential requirement for this job is problem solving : an entrepreneur who works in the wedding sector, in fact, can never be caught unprepared and must always extract fantastic, practical and personality-rich solutions from the cylinder of ideas.

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