10 things that will motivate you to follow the Mediterranean diet

 Following the Mediterranean diet is one of the best options for those seeking to maintain their ideal weight, in addition to taking care of their health. But what is special about this diet? We invite you to continue reading and discover all the benefits that this diet can bring to your health.

The Mediterranean diet is not just a series of nutritional recommendations, it is much more than that, it is associated with a balanced lifestyle and constitutes an authentic cultural heritage of the peoples of the Mediterranean basin .

In fact, it was declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in a joint name of Spain, Greece, Italy and Morocco.

What foods make up the Mediterranean diet?

The Mediterranean diet is characterized by the fact that you can eat all kinds of food, as long as you respect the famous food pyramid, which lays the foundations of which foods should be taken daily, which should be taken weekly, and which should be take occasionally.

Foods that should be eaten daily

  • Cereals: Pasta, rice and bread are an example of this, so experts recommend taking 30 grams of bread a day, and between 60 and 80 grams of pasta and rice a day.
  • Fruit and vegetables: The base of the nutritional pyramid indicates that you should take 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables (alternating) a day, which corresponds to 120-180 grams of fruit, and between 150 and 200 grams of vegetables.
  • A liter and a half of water daily.
  • A glass of milk or two yogurts
  • A tablespoon of raw extra virgin olive oil.
  • Seasonings like onion and garlic also raw.

Foods that should be eaten weekly

  • Fish
  • Lean meat
  • Red meat: one serving per week is recommended.
  • Eggs: two to four servings per week.
  • Legumes and potatoes: 3 times a week is recommended.

Foods that should be eaten occasionally

  • pastries
  • Cakes
  • Candies
  • Sugar
  • Juices and sugary soft drinks

10 reasons that will convince you to follow the Mediterranean diet

1. Considered one of the best diets based on scientific evidence

The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the dietary patterns with the greatest accumulated scientific evidence regarding its benefits for human health.

It has long been the focus of interest in the scientific community, especially for its therapeutic role against various pathologies associated with chronic inflammation, such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, among others.

The Mediterranean diet has been extensively researched for its health benefits. Your eating model can help prevent and treat various diseases.

2. Boosts good cholesterol

According to researchers from the Center for Biomedical Research Network Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN) and the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), the Mediterranean diet helps the particles that  carry the so-called good cholesterol, which is the one that prevents the arteries from being clogged, from operating properly .

3. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases 

Different studies have revealed that in Mediterranean countries people suffer less from cardiovascular diseases than in the rest, due to the high amount of nutrients contained in traditional recipes.

4. Reduces the risk of breast cancer, heart attacks and strokes

The Predimed trial, headed by Miguel Angel Martinez-Gonzalez, Professor of Public Health at the University of Navarra and since June also a visiting professor at Harvard, has shown that the Mediterranean diet reduces circulatory problems by 66%, circulatory problems by 30% heart attacks and strokes and 68% the risk of breast cancer.

5. Fight severe depression 

A team of scientists from Australia’s Deakin University conducted a series of tests that determined that the Mediterranean diet combats severe depression.

6. Increases longevity 

People who follow the Mediterranean diet tend to live longer since it favors life expectancy and reduces the aging process thanks to its proposal to eat foods rich in antioxidants and high-quality nutrients.

7. Good for obesity

Few fats are consumed and the one used for cooking is olive oil. Much healthier than butter and other animal and vegetable fats typical of other diets. Therefore, it turns out to be a good option to deal with obesity. 

8. He avoids mental deterioration

Las verduras de hoja verde, que poseen muchos antioxidantes, previenen la degradacion celular. Comer al menos una racion al dia de este tipo de verduras ayuda a retrasar el declive cognitivo asociado al envejecimiento, como sugiere un estudio publicado en la revista Neu­rology.

9. Ayuda a conseguir el peso ideal

La dieta mediterranea es muy variada y con un bajo aporte calorico. Si la combinas con ejercicio fisico, puedes acercarte a tu peso ideal. Luchar contra el sobrepeso aleja, tambien, muchas enfermedades que empeoran con una mala forma fisica.

A diferencia de las llamadas dietas “milagro, la dieta mediterranea ayuda alcanzar un peso sano y equilibrado sin causar efectos adversos. De paso, favorece la prevencion de enfermedades asociadas al sobrepeso.

10. Following the Mediterranean diet helps the environment 

One of the bases of the Mediterranean diet is the consumption of  fresh and seasonal foods , so by adopting these eating habits you will be helping the environment by promoting proper use of its natural resources.

After reading these 10 reasons to follow the Mediterranean diet, have you still not been convinced of how recommendable it is? Take advantage of the arrival of summer to benefit from the wide variety of fruits, vegetables and vegetables that the season offers us to start putting these tips into action.

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